速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Honore Daumier - Artworks Stickers

Honore Daumier - Artworks Stickers


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Honore Daumier - Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 40 stickers of Honore Daumier - Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Alexander Simon Pataille, MP

- Alexandre Lecomte, Magistrate

- Alfred Pierre Comte de Falloux

- André-Marie-Jean-Jacques Dupin, Also Called Dupin the Elder (1783-1865), Deputy, Lawyer, Academician

- Antoine Odier, banker, MP

- Benjamin Delessert, Industrial and MP

- Charles Guillaume Etienne

- Claude Baillot, MP

- Clément-François-Victor-Gabriel Prunelle (1774-1853), Doctor, Major of Lyon and Deputy

- Clément-François-Victor-Gabriel Prunelle (1774-1853), Doctor, Major of Lyon and Deputy

- Count Antoine-Maurice-Apollinaire d'Argout (1782-1858), Minister and Peer of France

- Count Auguste-Hilarion de Kératry (1769-1859), Deputy, Peer of France

- Count Charles Francois Malo De Lameth, Deputy

- Count Francois Dominique Reynaud Montlosier

- Count Horace François Sebastiani, General and Politician

- Father Saw

- Jean Charles Persil, Magistrate and Deputy

- Jean Vatout, Deputy

- Jean-Claude Fulchiron (1774-1859), Deputy, Peer of France, and Poet

- Jean-Marie Harle, Deputy

Honore Daumier - Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Joachim-Antoine-Joseph Gaudry, Magistrate

- Laurent Cunin, Also Called Cunin-Gridaine, (1787-1859), Deputy and Peer of France

- Nicolas Soult, Marshal of France

- Pierre-Paul Rover Collard, Deputy

- Alexandre Lecomte, Magistrate

- Auguste Gady

- Baron Jacques-Antoine-Adrien Delort (1773-1846), General and Deputy

- Baron Joseph de Podenas (1782-1851), Deputy

- Bust of Francois-Pierre-Guillaume Guizot

- Bust of Hippolyte Abraham, known as Abraham-Dubois

- Charles Philipon (1800-1861), Journalist and Director of the Magazines Caricature and Charivari

- Charles-Léonard Gallois (1774-1851), Publicist and Historian, Republican

- Felix Barthe (1796-1863), Minister of Justice and Deputy

- François-Pierre-Guillaume Guizot (1787-1874), Deputy, Minister and Historian

- Jacques Antoine Adrien, Baron Delort (1773-1846), General and Deputy

- Jacques Lefévre (1777-1856), Banker and Deputy

- Jean-Auguste Chevandier de Valdrome (1781-1878), Deputy and Peer of France

- Jean-Marie Fruchard (1788-1872), Deputy

- Jean-Marie Harle, Harle father (1765-1838), Deputy

- Jean-Ponce-Guillaume Viennet (1777-1868), Deputy, Peer of France and Academician

- Mr. Joliv (Adolphe Joliv)

Honore Daumier - Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- Unknown, maybe Hippolyte Lucien-Joseph Lucas (1807-1878), a Journalist, maybe P.Mendez de Vigo (1790-1860) a Spanish General, but Most Probably the Count Pelet de la Lozere (1785-1871), a Politician


支援平台:iPhone, iPad